
Photography Tips for your next Photo Walk Adventures

Going on a photo walk adventure ? Today we are talking about short easy tips on photography and gear to make your photography better! We take quick stroll through one of Clermont's best state parks; Ferndale Reserve in Clermont, Florida.

Whether you’re a pro or a newbie, going on a photo walk will influence you to go out and take more pictures.

Photo walks are essentially for toning your skills as a photographer or videographer, learning about yourself as a creative, and experiencing different places that will reset your daily routines. Being stuck in the “4 walls” of any place is not good for your creativity and your health, so I always encourage anyone I meet to take time to enjoy nature and walk in wonder.

Also take the time to meet new friends and make new rivals on these photowalks, it will benefit you having a healthy competitive relationship, you never know if this person will be helping you or you helping them on their project or they helping you.

Photo by Bryan Hernandez (@bryanhdz07)

Photo by Bryan Hernandez (@bryanhdz07)

Couple of tips for going on a photo walk start with these basics:

  • Know the place you are going by researching online, use google maps and social media, I would ask around. I myself when I get to a location, I scout and walk the location first, then I don’t even use my camera, but then coming back I start taking photos.

  • Choosing your camera gear is important; pack the essentials!, its like camping “you bring what you can carry”. Bring what is needed, like if its primes lenses then bring; like a wide lens (23mm). medium (50mm) or short telephoto (100mm macro) or a zoom lens with a constant aperture. these are just suggestions. A good tripod that is light is very nice (carbon fiber). Also spare batteries. ND filters and polarizers. lens cloths also are important. Plenty of water if you are in Florida. All these things that I have mentioned is just opinion based at the end of the day bring what you think its best and take note.

  • Capture what resonates with you and captures your eye. From a photographer’s frame of reference, immerse yourself in the environment and keep an eye out for anything that looks interesting and tells a story.

  • Last tip and most important learn to shoot on your own as well, hones those skills, these trip can be also be use for a time of self reflection.

photo by @bryanmgarces

photo by @bryanmgarces